UTD Satellite Workshop

06/10 - 06/12

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Workshop Modules

Small Satellite and LEO 1-0-1

Learn about small satellite's lifecycle and basic concepts to understand LEO satellites. Basic terms and concepts will be introudced such as TLE, NORAD, LEO, MEO, GEO etc.

Satellite Components and Subsystems

You will have a hands-on experience in this session by building your own CubeSat, and learn about subsystems of small satellite. This module will contain the concepts of telemetry and telemetry tracking, and the introduction to widespread COTS design practices.

Physical and Structural Consideration

Gain an understanding of small satellite form-factor, structures, materials, and mechanics. Engage in hands-on activities to build your own CubeSat II. Learn about equipment reliability, space qualification, launcher considerations, launch-time inspection process, and COTS small satellite design practices. Explore thermal and physical vibrations, orbital mechanics, look angle determination, orbital perturbations, and thermal and radio considerations.

Satellite Communications

Learn about basic transmission and antenna theory, radio modulation and demodulation, space communication bands, ground station considerations, and engage in hands-on satellite communication lab exercises.

Open Issues

Learn about end-of-life time considerations, de-orbiting mechanisms, detecting small satellite malfunctions and implementing trigger conditions, as well as space debris and trajectory predictions for evasion.

Design and Build Your Own Payload

Explore domain-specific considerations for small space missions, engage in hands-on activities to build your own payloads, delve into one future technology.


9:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM

Module 1 - Small Satellite and LEO 1-0-1
▪ Small satellite lifecycle

▪ Space basics
    - Basic terms and concepts
        ◦ TLE, NORAD etc.
    - Altitude and orbital concepts
        ◦ LEO, MEO, GEO

1:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM

Lunch Break

2:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM

Module 2 - Satellite Components and Subsystems
▪ Onboard Computer (OBC) and mission payloads
    - Hands-on: Build your own CubeSat I

▪ Small satellite subsystems
    - Altitude and orbital control systems
    - Power systems and solar panels
    - Antenna communication systems

▪ Telemetry and telemetry tracking
    - Tele-commands and Monitoring

▪ Introduction to widespread COTS design practices

9:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM

Module 3 - Physical and Structural Consideration
▪ Understanding of small satellite form-factor
    - Structures, materials, and mechanics
    - Hands-on Build your own CubeSat II

▪ Equipment Reliability and space qualification

▪ Launcher and launch time considerations
    - Introduction of launch-time inspection process
    - Overview of COTS small satellite design practices
    - Launch-time considerations.
    - Mostly thermal and physical vibrations

▪ Orbital mechanics and considerations
    - Orbital mechanics, look angle determination, orbital perturbations.
    - Thermal and radio considerations

1:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM

Lunch Break

2:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM

Module 4 - Satellite Communications
▪ Basic RF transmission and antenna theory

▪ Basic radio modulation and demodulation

▪ Space communication bands

▪ Ground station consideration

▪ Communication hands-on

Hands-on: Satellite communication lab

9:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM

Module 5 - Open Issues
▪ Space Debris
    - What is Space Debris?
    - Recent Collision and Debris Cases
    - Debris from Microscopic to Massive
    - Space Debris Impacts from a Physical Analysis

▪ Orbital Debris Regulations
    - Orbital Debris Related Organizations
    - Considerations for Orbital Lifetime Requirements in LEO
    - GEO/LEO Protected Region Clearance

▪ Deorbit Systems
    - Introduction of Passive and Active Deorbit Systems

1:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM

Lunch Break

2:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM

Module 6 - Design and Build Your Own Payload
▪ Domain specific considerations for small space missions

▪ Hands-on: Build your own payloads
    - One future technology
    - Open Q&A
    - Feedback
    - Brainstorming session & survey